Fresh or cured live rock???


I think I have decided on the vendor I want to purchase my live rock from. Now the question is, fresh or cured?
Fresh-The rock is supposedly cured 6 weeks in Fiji under a spray bars. After curing process shipments arrive at LAX 8-10pm (vendor is based in LA) 4 times a week. Vendor picks up the rock and ships it that day arriving before 10:30 the next morning. Time in transit, 32 hours (lol not counting time on the dock/airport in Fiji)
Cured-sam source as above. Rock is then cured another 6 weeks in the vendor's facility and shipped the next day. Time in transit, 24 hours.
Cost of the fresh is less but I'm not overly concerned with that since I'm only getting 45# for a 50g setup. Since the fresh is supposedly cured in Fiji and rid of things like mantis shrimp etc. is it worthwile to pay the extra bucks for the cured when the transit time isn't that different (knowing that a certain amount of die-off will occur either way), especially if the likelyhood of "bonus critters" would be higher with the uncured??
For those of you that have purchased both fresh and cured rock, how significant is the difference in the stench created by fresh vs. cured? Don't want to get the lil' misses TOOOO upset with me!
Thx, appreciate the input!
it is good to treat all live rock as uncured. you can never be to sure ive gotton cured and uncured that smelled nasty. get a bucket and cure it in the basement where your wife cant smell it, if the smell is that strong. there are alot of critters in lr so dont worry about it.
I would go with the cured, the cost differance isnt that much, great articles about it at which is where pet warehouse's rock comes from. I get a lot from the LFS mostly, I can see it there.


It seems to me that the time difference would be a bit more...if both were shipped in the same method. BUt that is neither here nor there. Are you putting this rock in a new or exisitng tank? I can tell you I got some deep water Tonga that was totally uncured...stunk up my place for 2 was terrible.
Since then I've started up a 125 gal and not I just spend the extra cash to buy my rock at my LFS for the most part. That way it's totally cured and I can cherry pick the pieces that I want and don't have to worry about all the broken pieces (another concern of the transhipped rock....lots more opportunity for breakage) and all the junk rock I don't want. All in all it probably is a wash for me.


Diatom, At my LFS, they sell "live rock" which is rock sitting in special tanks. Is this rock "cured" or "uncured"?
Also, if either cured or uncured, can either of these be purchased from the LFS and put immediately into my tank at home? What concerns should I have with this?


If your tank is new and you have no fish in yet i would go with the fresh rock. The fresh rock is going to have some die off in it that is going to help you cycle your tank. If you put this "fresh" rock in an established tank you run the risk of having an ammonia spike and killing some fish. IF you do have an established tank and go with the fresh rock you need a large container to hold the rock, new saltwater, heater, lights, and a powerhead, oh and a skimmer would be awesome. let it sit for three weeks ( while testing the water) once ammonia is gone...put it in.


Dia-new tank.
Thx for the responses! My first thought was the LFS. Prices per # average about $8 here in Northern California. While that is double the average for MO, the real issue is that in eyeing their stock I can tell that it generally spends very little time curing-it seems that their rock is in their tanks for a week at best. So I'm not sure they are much more cured than what I would by MO?
Thx again,


Well if you and the wife can stand the smell, get some good dry sand and go for the uncured stuff.
In the future when you want to add just pick a a 4 or 5 pound piece that has a nice shape to it that you like.
Just my opinion,


LOL thanks Dia....well, if it gets TOO bad and she kicks me out at least I would be able to get a BIGGER tank without any grief! ;)


well we have of course purchased LR a local LFS's & from online; trouble w/ LFS's is do not have enough or cost too much; ALL seem to claim to be cured; have noticed 1 LFS that ear marks LR that still needs more curing; bought or ordered LR will always have some sort of die off; really, should have some sort of holding tank for new LR before placing into main tank, but that would of course mean additional expenses; usually, it is Ok to add LR direcly to main tank in small amounts and if you have adequate filtration/water parameters; personally getting from both sources is my preference; bulk amounts, I prefer to do online


New Member
Ive heard people say that they get extra things in there live rock, like feather dusters and the like. But if LR is taken out of water for a long period of time like a day or so, wouldnt this kill all that good stuff and defeat the purpose of live rock? Ive bought all my live rock from our lfs and I make they always submerge the rock in a bag or a bucket.


Most of the inhabitants are hardier then you think...also how do you supose the rock gets to the LFS? I'll give you one guess and packed in water isn't the answer.
The holding tanks at the lfs start the curing cycle for the LR, depending on how long it has been there it could be either new stock or week old stock. In either case you still want to cure it at home yourself and avoid the posabilities(sp.)


Well, the uncured is on the way! Two 45# boxes should be overnighted Monday for a Tuesday morning delivery.
Any of you old hands have a recs on the best way to cure it? Seems to be a lot of different opinions when it comes to the process. Some say no lights because of the amount of alge it produces. Other folks say run the lights part of the time. Some others say run them the normal amount of time to foster any kind of growth. :confused:
50g Glass tank
Remora Pro skimmer
4 maxi 600 PW
1 Fluval 304 cann
4X55 lights (2 10K and 2 blue)
Any insights would be appreciated-even if it adds to my confusion :D


what ever lr u ordered is gonna have a lot of die off remove anything that looks dead when i got mine i stunk really bad and it was fully cured, don't be afraid to clean it. i had sponges on mine i left them on there somebody told me to remove them i'm glad i did when i broke through them the rock was black and rotten smelling i had 1 rock split into 3 pieces and was all black inside.cleaned everything really good,now i have lots of stuff growing back including lots of coraline and macro algea, several worms, clams etc. ;) good luck

mad reefer

New Member
whats up all,
I bought some rock online at advanced aquatics joke that was by time i got the shipping it cost more than my lfs. however I bought a total of 240lb for my 150 and did that in 40-50lb sections due to cost but like me if you hagle with the lfs you can get nice figi for $5 bucks a pound and not only that but best part is pay on it over 2 weeks and cured or not cured its been in there system for all that time. P.s $8 is way to much per lb look for $5 and hand pick it.