fresh to salt tank


I have a 25 gallon freshwater tank that I would like to change to saltwater. The only thing that I have ever treated the fish with, in the tank, is Maracide( for ick) about 6 months ago. Can I do this without any problems down the road and if so is there anything special that I would need to do besides give it a good cleaning. It would be a reef set up. Thanks.


Active Member
First of all I don't think you can use that for saltwater. Saltwater can be very complicated if you don't know what you are doing. Are you just starting out, have you already got a tank? What kind of fish/corals do you want to keep?


I have a 55 gal reef set up now. Just wanted to know if the chems I put in this smaller tank would have in anyway leached into the sealent and have an effect on a saltater setup.


I agree. Since you have not used copper. Iv heard of copper imbedding itself in the sealant in the tank even after good cleanings and still caused harm. But this is just what I have heard.