spongebob square pants
I got ich in my tank about a week ago. I have two clowns and a fox face. I know the life cycles of the parasite so you don't need to explain this. I was told by a LFS owner that is an aqaintance of my sister ( never did bussiness with him so I don't know if i can trust him, but why would he lie to me?) anyway he told me the best thing to do is give the foxface a freshwater dip every day for five days. He said the clowns will probably not get the spots again. So far he is right about the clowns. The foxface has the spots again for the second time. My thinking is the ick will just come back after each time and this will just be added stress to the fish. Not to mention I don't want to handle a Venomous fish to freqeuntly. Has any one ever tried this and if so did it work? Also whats the best way to raise the ph in the fresh water for the dip? Thanks for any replys.