fresh water from a de-humidifier

30 hex

does anybody know if the water collected from a de-humidifier is good to use. It is water taken right out of the air so i dont see where it would have any impurities in it. Just so long as you keep the machine clean. Any ideas/comments? :confused:


Active Member
I don't know for certain, but the water vapor may condense on a metal coil or metal material that could cause some problems down the road. There are also impurities in the air that will combine with water molecules upon condensing back from a vapor to a liquid, and you never would know for sure what these compounds were unless you could test for all substances - which we can't economically do.
I would say not a good idea when there are other reasonable and cost effective ways.
Not me - no way - no how ;)

marine qa

I agree w/brommer5. I would not do this. Water from a dehumidifier would not be pure. These units are filled w/molds, oils, etc.


Taste the water..the coil is copper..we used to drink it when we were kids cause it was really cold...I wasnt the smartest youngster, but it had a "penny" taste to it. Not sure how they are today, but, I wouldnt chance it.


Active Member
I asked this very same question a few weeks back.
I did go ahead and hook up my dehumidifier to my tank. It has aluminum coils. I hooked it to a float that will turn it on in EMERGENCYS. If for some reason i am not home etc. it will keep up the water level.
The others are right though; anything that is in the air(smoke,purfume,etc.)may be added to your tank. NOT GOOD.