fresh water tanks


New Member
I would like to know if theres any fresh water fish tank websites as good as this one im looking to start one of them and would like to look around.


Active Member
umm bro not to be the bad guy or the guy that seems to be asking a nonsense questioin but... why a fresh water tank??... most fresh water fish are ugly..... and the maintenence is only a lil lees compared to a salt... well in my oponion anyways


I f u have anything bigger than a 30 u can get Cichlids. They are probly the Most interesting thing in the Fw world. Most people dont keep Guppies U know. fw tanks are Like hundreds of Dollars cheaper, You can have more in a tank, And the Maintenence is Much Less. You can go like 6 mo's without cleaning and still have perfect levels if u do water changes.


Active Member

Originally posted by ThaNgBom
most fresh water fish are ugly..... and the maintenence is only a lil lees compared to a salt...

Check out 'Aquarium Designs: Inspired by Nature', it has some of the nicest freshwater aquariums i've ever seen. And the pictures of the tanks contain no fish. Setting up a freshwater plant tank in the proper way, makes it incredibly gorgeous, even without fish. Much like a well-designed reef tank is gorgeous w/o fish, using the fish to compliment the reef rather than vice versa. And setting up a freshwater plant tank takes significantly less time, maintenance, and especially MONEY than the equivalent reef system. I plan to have both in my future home. I like salt better, but there are a few freshwater tanks out there i'd take over most marine tanks.


New Member
yes i agree but i would deffinantly rather have a salt water tank to but im kinda low on budget sence im 14 and payin for this stuff on my own...but thanks for the help guys:)


I would have to agree with MORAYM. there is a whole art to the freshwater planted tank. diffrent substrates diffrent lighting but if you want to check out some great examples and a little advice on the freshwater planted tank there happens to be a really good column in tropical fish hobbyist written by rhonda wilson. This chick goes in depth on the planted tank and helps you along the process. I am going to set up a freshwater planted tank myself soon. Good luck with it.