Fresh water?


Active Member
Ok im makein a fw tank and i always had fw since i was little but i dont like the gravel at all and i was wonderin if you guys know of anything else i can put on the bottom?
Ive seen web sites that sell special subtrate for plants in fw tanks. It looks kind of like dirt...very natural lookin.


Active Member

Originally posted by Fish_Boi
cant he just use playsand like southdown?

Aragonite sand will hike the ph up too high in a FW tank.
I have seen a few LFS with bagged colored sand for FW tanks. Pretty cool lookin' IMO.


if you are going with cichlids they like a high ph and hard water
i had a 140 gal cichlid tank and i used a mix of play sand and southdown sand they loved it plus i had a lot of holey rock in the tank


Make sure if you by the sand from Home Depot you get the "FINE" sand. If not your tank will be cloudy for weeks.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
Ok im makein a fw tank and i always had fw since i was little but i dont like the gravel at all and i was wonderin if you guys know of anything else i can put on the bottom?

I have used building material sand in my fw tanks since the late 70's. althought not a colorful as the aquarium gravel, it does provide better rooting for the plants. But then I use the leiden method so that could be to reason I like the gravel.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
yea i want to have alot of plants and im going to get angels and a pleco and some tetras.

I never have had a pleco but have had angels and neon tetras. I usually use platties to get things going.
three step:
1) set up tank and and plants
2) next week add single male fish don't feed for week
3) second week add mate and feed only 1 flake per day
leave top open for air exchange. No airstone or filter. I recommend you never change the water.
reference my experience and FAMA article feb 1979 by robert Gasser title some old (or are the new?) thought on aquarium keeping. reprints available for $2.00 from their web site.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
y no airstones?

More than anything else, airstones are not needed. Plus it is another thing that has to be maintained and replaced. Sure If you like the effect than use some.
the first plant only week is critical. During that time the plants are sending out roots and becomming established. And during that time they are processing the water for that first fish. After that first week, they will be processing what will be primarily fish waste.
By consuming carbon dioxide, the plants are drawing in air from the surface. That adds oxygen regardless of whether or not there is any additional circulation.
Besides everyone always asks where is your filter or air stones. Then they are amazed when you tell them there are none.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Fish_Boi
bob, dont you think since it is FW he really needs to do water changes. in FW tanks you dont have as many clean up crew options, so fish wates builds up and turns the water yellow. that is what happens to my FW tank and i have a pleco and a black mystery snail

The cleaning is not done by the cleanup crew. The waste products are processed by aerobic bacteria and the plants consume the end products. Besides when you add plants they always have snale eggs on them. therefore you always get a cleaner crew.
I did have yellow water in my current FW. I changed feeding from twice per day to once and in a week the water was clear again.
If the waste products build up then you do not have enough plants to process those wastes. Water changes will not correct that situation, only slow down the process. Water changes alone will never get say nitrAtes to 0.0. plants will.