Freshwater dip coral


Active Member
hairalgae is taking over my corals!!! can i give them a freshwater dip to kill the hair algae? does this work? it there another way to save them?


Active Member
dont bother. it would probably hurt your corals more than your algae. how are they hurting them? jsut shading from light?
we need more specs about your tank, parameters, lighting, age of bulbs, stock list, size tank, ect.
the best thing you can do is remove all hair algae you see (taking the rocks out and using a toothbrush works well) and lowering nutrients via frequent water changes and feeding less


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
hairalgae is taking over my corals!!! can i give them a freshwater dip to kill the hair algae? does this work? it there another way to save them?
DO NOT put a coral in a FW dip Dan!!!!! It will die very quickly! Snails and hermits can't take low salinty, you would kill your coral immediately!!!


Originally Posted by fishieness
dont bother. it would probably hurt your corals more than your algae. how are they hurting them? jsut shading from light?
we need more specs about your tank, parameters, lighting, age of bulbs, stock list, size tank, ect.
the best thing you can do is remove all hair algae you see (taking the rocks out and using a toothbrush works well) and lowering nutrients via frequent water changes and feeding less
For the hair algae, can't you just pull it off? Or perhapse get a small guy that eats hair algae?


sea hare should take care of the job. Make sure you have enought green algae, if you don't, you need to pass it back to the lfs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
For the hair algae, can't you just pull it off? Or perhapse get a small guy that eats hair algae?
yes. you can pull it out, but it will always come back. especialy if you dont cure the problem in the first place. algae can take control when it has enough nutrients to do so. even if your levels are all 0, you could still have very high nutrients, it just means that all the algae and everyting else is jsut taking it up as it is dished out. you might also want to check phosphates and replace your carbon and add some phos-ban.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tnn1567
sea hare should take care of the job. Make sure you have enought green algae, if you don't, you need to pass it back to the lfs.
a seahare woudl make quick work of the tank, yes, but if you just cover up the problem then all the nutrients that would otherwise have been consumed by the algae will not be free floating in your tank. this is why it is my opinion that you should lower your nutrients instead of just buy tons of little critters to eat it.


New Member
what corals do you have? the only dip i do for my corals at the moment are zoo dips w Lugol's IODINE from i think kent.I use 3 gals. r/o water In a five gal bkt and 5 drops per gal.of lugols. adjust temp &Ph. i irritate my zoos before dipping themto get the polyps to close up. let zoos sit for 5 min in the solution twist back and forth for one min. dunk a few time s and put back in tank. I haven't tried on other corals yet but it did kill some hare algea on a few frag zoos i picked up this idea i found on another forum MUCHO great dip. oh yah this dip is mainly for nudis and zoo spiders. hope this helps!