freshwater dip treatment method info???


Does anyone know of a good site for info on freshwater dipping fish....
I'm looking for pros cons, treatments, most appropriate dip time, and any other relevant info.


Staff member
Dips do not effectively treat any disease. They remove a few parasites, but never all, and they do cause a good deal of stress to the fish that is dipped (and the fish is already stressed by the parasites as it is).


My yellow tang developed some black spots very few and after researching and discussing the matter with my lfs and reading a solution from a "Marine fish Desease" book. We came to the conclusion to take the tang out and give him a fresh water dip. I put him in a gallon bucket for 10-15 minutes a recommended. The spots cleared up after the first dip. I think the desease is some sort of worm that apparrently can't survive in fresh water. "RO Water" has to be the same temp and ph. The parasites died and fell of. The book recommended doing this for five days, but since I caught it at the beginning I only did it once. It has been 5 days now and he seems to be doing great...same spunky attitude and appetite.