Freshwater dip?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
I have been in the hobby for 30 plus years. yes, I have done freshwater dips and the PH must match the acclimated/sytem PH. WHat you are trying to do by matching the PH is minimize stress.
I did not say you were wrong regarding fresh water dips in general...but you are wrong regarding the PH not needing to match the acclimated PH.
What I am posting here regarding the PH matching the system PH is mainstream...not some off the wall advice.
What I have posted is based on years of experience plus years of reading articles. If you think I am wrong regarding the PH matching...please bring something regarding documeted research to the contrary...and I will glady listen.
The goal here is to simply communicate the appropriate methods for a freshwater dips. many folks read these threads and it would be irresponsible not to post the appropriate way to conduct a freshwater dip.
Nothing wrong in alternative views...but what I have posted is mainstream and logical to this hobby.
Since you hace questioned my experinece...please post the number of years you have been in the hobby.
I am simply trying to prevent others from making mistakes. it is logical that a matching PH will help to minimize stress reagarding a should be an easy concept to grasp. It increases the odds for success.
I consider my opinions informned based on years of experience, years of reading and all the misakes I have made.
it is up to those that read these threads to determine posts that appear to be informed and are logical.
I do not consider myself to be an expert...but I do consider myself and advanced hobbyists. Folks can either take advantage of the mistakes I have made...verify what I have said through thier own research...or simply ignore the post.
Just my opinion......but it is informed.
Years of experience is good, but like you've said it yourself, your not a expert either. I don't have that many years of experience like you have. But I did say I'm no expert. But I will stick to what I've said cause the methods I use never cause any problem at all. The fish I did the dip on is still alive and kicking. It's NOT dead nor stressed! I got this method from a very good friend of mine. He's done it just as long as you have and read as much as you have as well. He used to run and own a LFS, so did his wife in a different LFS. I WILL ask him on the information about not needing to buffer the water to correct PH level. But I have also mentioned this once before. There's others on this site who uses the same method and it has NOT caused any problem. Just my opinion and I'm sticking to it! :happyfish