Freshwater Dip?


I was reading a FAQ this morning that mentioned giving a freshwater bath before introducing new creatures to your main tank. Here is the excerpt
The freshwater bath will cause any parasites attached onto the fish to let go and remain in the freshwater (to die a lonely death). Otherwise, parasites left to their own will reproduce very rapidly in captivity and usually infect all the fish in the tank.
Does anyone do this?


I gave a clownfish with ich a FW dip one time with good results meaning the ich never returned but another time, I performed a freshwater dip on an elegance coral infested with flatworms based on the advise of the LFS. Here are the results...


Correct me if I'm wrong:
Its my understanding that a clown fish is the exception for a FW dip. You should "never" do a FW dip on a clown.


I don't know except it worked for me, er... the clown, and I've had this clown just about a year now.


I wouldn't advise doing the freshwater dip. I thought about doing this when I first started out, but have read up on it and it just doesn't seem like it's beneficial over the stress the fish must feel.


dipping your coral and fish in freshwater, is simply dumb. its bad enough your fish has ick... dipping it will just stress them more. i dont think anyone who recommend this, have any solid backing behind it.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Active Member
FW dipping a coral doesnt really have a purpose...not when they have numerous coral iodine dips available...
As for fish...putting a fish with attached encapsulated cyst as an example into a freshwater environment causes an enormous absorbtion rate because of the osmotic pressure differences between the SW and FW...this rapid absorbtion rate causes the cyst to somewhat explode thus killing the parasite within it...With this in mind...the fish is also under increased absorbtion rate as well...this is why you cannot leave the fish in the FW for much more then about 4-5 minutes...some even longer. I shoot myself for about 4-5 minutes as I feel this gives the process time to work through the gills and destroy any cyst within.
If one looks at the overall picture...a FW dip is nothing more then a hyposaline process sped up.


maybe :D but i still wouldnt do it. i really havent found anything that really prove this. other then hobbyist... its like, if someone says , "adding a teaspoon of apple juice into your tank, each week, will assist shrooms grow faster". :D words get around... everyone starts doing it.


Active Member
Read up a little on osmotic pressure, absorbtion and so will find your answers there.
I will grant that FW dips can be stressfull, but as for acquiring new fish, I find it less stressfull in the long one. Even prior to a QT, I dip them...and then I use (as needed) antibiotics to prevent any secondary infections which may be present. Has worked wonderful for myself.
iv done fresh water dips and came with awsome results..just dont leave the fish in ther more than five minutes..the only one that i didnt have succes was on a copperband butterfly fish...he died the next day.