Freshwater Discus Photos


Active Member
Looks good. I have always wanted to keep some discus. What are some of the requirements for them. LIke tank size, and what type of water do they require. Thanks alot.....


nice pics Ryan!
They like to be in groups of lets say 6 when juvi but when they grow up, they choose a partner and stay together forever.
They get big so they need a big tank. They also like acidic water and low Ph. You can use torf in the sump. They are from Amazon, good tank mates are neons, corydoras, gupies...
I dont have any experience w/ them but they are very common in Turkey so i know a bit about them. I also may be wrong


Active Member
Also, the water needs to be around 85 degrees for them to thrive and thier diet consists mostly of Beefheart and Brine shrimp.
Water changes are a necessity with these guys. You usually need to change water 2-3 times per month to keep up with them.


Active Member
I would personally try to keep at least three of them.
75g would be good.........55g would work but, the extra water helps with these guys.


New Member
Ive kept discus a number of years they usually like temp around 86 about 4-6 to an aquarium or more (tank size at least 60 gallons) and lots of water changes for maximum growth and health 4-7 times a week, I changed my water every day . They are beautiful fish my all time favorite


Active Member
OK, I have to ask Rye...where and how do they get beef heart naturally as part of their diet? :groucho:
Actually, my father-in-law keeps them. He has two nice big red discus in a 75g.


New Member
Old water is not good for discus captive bred discus do good in water with ph values around 7.0 or even higher wild discus prefer lower ph values but the water chamges are beneficial for growth purposes and health purposes iscus thrive in clean water


Active Member
I didn't say that BeefHeart was thier NATURAL diet.......just that it's what they like to eat and it keeps them healthy.
4-7 water changes weekly is too many in my opinion but, everyone has thier own way. Mine have been healthy.......and spawning for quite some time.

tru conch

Active Member
rye-you have some sweet looking discus! as always you took some high quality shots of them.
ive never had them, but i know that they are fairly difficult and demanding in their eating habits and water quality.
my personal favs are the reds.


I use to have 8 discus....they really are such awesome fish. To much work to up keep though. With school i really didn;t have the time to upkeep with the water changes. I sold all of them and the tank. I should of kept the 90 but i did'nt like the height of the tank.