Freshwater Fish Converted INTO Saltwater Fish


So I was at the store today and since they moved to this new location most of their saltwater tanks were not setup. They only had two setup and one was a 24gcube and I looked inside and they had some crabs some purplish/blue damsels another blackviolet fish and to my amazement they had a freshwater black molly and the girl said that it's been in there for almost a month. Is this possible or was I just hallucinating?


Active Member
There are a few species of fish that start off in freshwater and go to salt as the mature. This is NOT the rule though.


I converted Scats and Mono's to saltwater. Same thing, They will hatch in freshwater estuaries then will work there way back to the ocean as they mature.


Only a few species of fish can be transitioned from this. Mainly livebearers, mollies can live in full strenght SW, brackish, or fresh. In the wild mollies are found in brackish waters. I've heard of some fish like platies & guppies also being able to be transitioned, but that isn't as likely as mollies. I also think they would be harder to transition, but it is possible from what I hear. A lot of FW shrimp species their babies need either brackish or SW to survive due to the fact that in the wild these species travel to waters with a higher salinity content to breed.


Yep, my fist fish in my tank was a black molly. was given advise to do this to help test my tank. if the molly does okay then try adding other fish slowly.
by the way, this fish was first a freshwater, then slowly converted to sw, then after my tank was set she slowly went back to freshwater again and lived for a long time after!!! It can be done!!!