freshwater help???


Active Member
I'm gonna bump you off the 2nd page. Although I'm not one of them, there are lots of people here with lots of FW experience. What seems to be the problem? Maybe someone here can figure it out for ya'


what kind of fish and maybe just a water change would help.


New Member
I've read plenty of saltwater info but all my tanks are freshwater and the message board i participate in is, they have tons of good info. Just goto the forums section.


thanks, i just set up this tank a few days ago...monday to be exact, i got it from a friend who had not cleaned it in a LOOOOONG time, so i took out the only fish he had left (plecosimus (i know thats spelled wrong)) and cleaned everthing very well, i filled the tank with tapwater and treated for chlorine and chloramine. i tested the water for PH and ammonia, no reading on the ammonia and a PH of at least 7.6 (my tester only went up that far) so i put some Ph decreaser in it and tested it a day later with a diff. tester, it read 8.5 i believe, so i got some diff. Ph decreaser and tried it again, this morning it was still at about 8.5 my test kit says 7.0 is that right?
i also have a live plant in there...and a carbon filter that needs new carbon but im not sure where or what kind to get yet....
any help would be appreciated