freshwater plant help


hi i've had a fresh water 10 gallen tank for about 2 years now and it has fake plants anyone know a list of nice fresh water plants for my aqarium that i could add.
ps. i have 1.5 watts for gallon


Well tell me this what type of lighting do you have. Is it flourescent or indacascent? Because if it is flourescent with that much there is a little bit you can grow. However if it is indacascent you might could do some Java fern or Java moss. I have 1.8 watts per gallon in my tank & can grow a lot. Like Giant hygro, all crypts, some swords. Now that isn't a ton of light, but it is a long tank & T-5 flourescent lights.


Originally Posted by Gen1Dustin
Well tell me this what type of lighting do you have. Is it flourescent or indacascent? Because if it is flourescent with that much there is a little bit you can grow. However if it is indacascent you might could do some Java fern or Java moss. I have 1.8 watts per gallon in my tank & can grow a lot. Like Giant hygro, all crypts, some swords. Now that isn't a ton of light, but it is a long tank & T-5 flourescent lights.

i think its flourescent its like a tube that goes from one end of the hood to the other


Ok than yeah it is your standard flourescent either T-8 or T-12 light. What size of tank & everything? You could probally do some Anubias, crytocorynes, java fern, java moss, as well as maybe some hornwort & other mosses.


Active Member
I agree with the above, though what kind of fish do you have? And what size is your substrate? The questions are actually not all that different from SW


Yeah for substrate it wouldn't be a bad idea to mix some laterite or something of the such in with your regular gravel. Also if you wanted to take it to the next level you could get a Yeast type C02 injector. Either build one or buy that Hagen one, it's good.


i have two angel fish like 3 feeder fish (angels keeped them as friends not food) a tiger fish ( His two other friends got etean) and a dragons fish