freshwater puffer??

salt phish

I was just at wal-mart and saw puffers in there tanks, most of them were dead and the rest were struggling. I spoke to the manager and he said they were freshwater. They look just like the puffers I have seen at a saltwater store, little green puffers with dots. anyone heard of freshwater puffers???


Yes, They are actually a brakish fish, I had one in a brakish tank years ago. They are really alot of fun if you can get the tank right, We had a Ice Storm come one winter and I awas with out power for three weeks....bye bye fish lost the entire tank, but I had mine for about two years prior to that. ( IMO wouldnt buy anything from Wal-Mart)


wow, i didn't know that wal-mart had fish .. walgreens should do it too !


Active Member
IMO all supermarkets should get rid of their fish. Any store where fish isn't their focal point shouldn't even think about selling fish.


yeah I have a bunch of them now. There a little diffrent then some fresh water fish they almost need the same care as discus need. there fun as hell to watch



How do you get your pea puffers so round!! my pea's eat and get round, but other than that they look like they are starving!!! I feed blood worms and brine, fresh & frozen. I throw in some garlic pieces and mysis too..
How often do you feed them?
Salt phish, walmart needs to aclimate them to 1.008 - 1.012 salinity. the bigger puffers, figure 8 and tetradons can be converted to full salt water salinity 1.024 over time. Someone posted a picture on this site once!!!


they dont need any salt in there water they acttully need the same kinda of water that a dicus fish would need in a way. I beleave there found in rivers or streams in India but im not sure :
as for feeding I buy them these cubes of brine shrimp at petsmart and throw one in a day and all 3 of them will chow down. Mine have gotten big to about a inch and 14 now. Mine wont eat anything else but the brine shrimp so mabey try and get some frozen cubes of them or ill tell you another thing that some times works for them is live brine shrimp. Try and hatch some brine shrimp eggs sometimes they like that. If you need any more info just ask me :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by haze123
they dont need any salt in there water they acttully need the same kinda of water that a dicus fish would need in a way. I beleave there found in rivers or streams in India but im not sure :
as for feeding I buy them these cubes of brine shrimp at petsmart and throw one in a day and all 3 of them will chow down. Mine have gotten big to about a inch and 14 now. Mine wont eat anything else but the brine shrimp so mabey try and get some frozen cubes of them or ill tell you another thing that some times works for them is live brine shrimp. Try and hatch some brine shrimp eggs sometimes they like that. If you need any more info just ask me :)

I saw that post...I believe the thread was call "a rare appearance"... I wonder if you do a search, maybe you can find it. It seems to me that the person that posted that actually acclimated his puffers (he's had them for 2+ years) to total saltwater. Very cute fishies.
Lisa :happyfish


haze123 said:
they dont need any salt in there water they acttully need the same kinda of water that a dicus fish would need in a way. I beleave there found in rivers or streams in India but im not sure :
you are talking about indian dwarf puffers and they are talking about figure 8's and green spotted.indian dwarfs are fresh water (discus water) where the others are brakish to salt actually best for them to be in salt by the time they are adults. I have kept all three types still have my figure 8 and the only thing different in his tank than a salt water is the argonite,he is currently living with an eel that was sold to my friend for $30.called a freshwater snowflake that was dying in her tank so i just dropped it in mine to see what would happen 4 months later he is doing great ,***** also sells the puffers as fresh water they are not. only the indian dwarf is.


Sue, no im just talking about the indian dwarf puffer, I know the 8 and the rest are brackish and saltwater. :)