freshwater questions


Have not found one but the concepts in saltwater and freshwater are very similiar. Especially on the equipment, etc.


well my question is about a male betta....we have him in a bowl and he has made what appears to be a "bubble nest" this what it he wanting a mate? this normal?


Yes, that is a bubble "nest" and it is normal behavior for a bettas and their cousins. I have a blue gourami that has made bubble nests before.


Active Member
someone please correct me if i am wrong, but it is the male bettas that fight. the female betta's dont look anything like the males either. but, i think, and am not sure, the females might need to be in more than just a bowl, filtration might be necessary. i have kept the males and have only seen the females at the LFS


I've never kept any female bettas, but I know my bettas seem quite happy by themselves and don't need to have a female. If you are interested, do a search on the net for breeding betta fish. It sounds like a fairly involved process.


The male betta does not need a friend. The females can be kept with them or in their own bowl, just like the males. I have bred them several times, it is very time consuming and requires a different setup than a bowl.


Active Member
Hi, I have bred bettas also. Very time consuming :yes:
Your male betta does not need a female, they will built these bubble nests all the time. I have kept several female bettas in my 25 gal freshwater tank. Sometimes you get a nippy one but for the most part they get along just great.
They also come in a nice array of colors also, but not the flowing fins like the males.
I have also seen a very beautiful tank that was 55 gals and housed 4 betta males, yes 4 males. There was so much plant material and hiding places they never bothered each other at all. But I do not recommend this unless you know what you are doing. But wouldn't it be nice to have a nice display tank of male bettas :jumping:
So to answer your question in regards to your male betta. This would be my recommendation and I have done this and they have lived alot longer than in the bowls.
I bought a 2 gal hexagon tank. They are cheap cheap cheap. They have an undergravel filter, hood with light and are just great to house one male betta. I had a male betta in mine and I got him a buddy, an aquatic frog. They were the best of buds and if you only get one frog he will sing. Yes sing, my husband and I could hear this humming noise coming from our kitchen. We could not figure out what it was until i went to the tank and there was my singing frog. The make a great pair :yes:
I have also put in only "one" black skirt tetra for comanionship. If you get one of these little tanks you will have a much happier betta and a little more to look at as well.
Good luck and do a search on "Freshwater forums" and a list of them will come up.