freshwater stock question


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
Longfin Rosy Barbs!!! They are more peaceful than Tiger Barbs and other barbs. I keep mine with 2 huge Angels, various tetras, etc..typical community planted tank.
Here's a picture of my male. The female looks just like him, in body, but she doesn't have the pinkish color at the bottom. Females are more solid gold like the top of the male is..

They are very beautiful and active in the tank. You really can't go wrong with them.
i will def. look into them.
any other possible good tank mates?!


Any type of Rainbowfish. :) There's an online forum for planted fw tanks that has a fish profile section. Try to find that and you can see all the Rainbow species.


Bill, in a 30 there are many possibilities. Stay away from tiny fish like neons. Your Parrot will suck them up when you aren't looking. You can get different kinds of fish though. Look for tropical/community fish. Find what YOU want to keep then let us know.