Freshwater Test Kit


I have absolutely NO clue where it came from or why I have it but I seem to have a Freshwater Master Test kit by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals which has not be opened.
Tomorow my live rock is arriving
and I will add it to the tank and begin my cycle, can I use the freshwater test kit until it is all gone or do I need to buy a saltwater test kit tomorrow.
If it matters the booklet says the following:
pH (6.0 to 7.6)
High Range pH (7.4 to 8.8)
Ammonia (NH3/NH4 +) (0 to 8 ppm)
Nitrite (NO2) (0 to 5 ppm)
Nitrate (NO3) (0 to 160 ppm)


Active Member
totally different readings between fresh and salt waters from what i understand.
but a lfs should be able to test a sample if u take one to them until you get a salt water test kit.


Its a shame to waste it. I know with fresh water tanks you want to reach different levels, but wouldnt an 8.2 be an 8.2 regardless and the same with the other tests or am I just grasping at staws to save a few dollars. Reality is after the thousands I've spent to get to this point the few more on test kits shouldn't make a difference!

my way

Active Member
In my opinion it is foolish to even set up a tank without having a test kit. You should have spent the money on the kit instead of the rock, it is a must have item.


Active Member
i dont see the need for one if you havent begun your cycle.. so tomorrow would be a great time to get one

i bought mine the day after setup too.. i knew i was forgetting to buy something, lol....


Actually this is not my first tank and I've owned a ton of test kits, but they are used up now. I broke down my 75 gallon to turn it into a sump/fuge for my new 120. I ordered a new sw test kit online when I ordered some of my other equipment and cant seem to find it. I'm thinking that maybe they sent me this freshwater kit by mistake! But with all the pumps, skimmers plumbing and other stuff that was delivered around the same time I do not remember who I ordered the kit from to return it. I was, as stated, just hoping to save a few dollars and maybe use this one, but agree that the proper test kit is important and will get whatever I need tomorrow if this one is not usable.


Thanks for such a speedy reply cain! Unless someone says this kit is usable I guess my neighbor (who has a fresh water tank) will be getting an early christmas present!


LOL... Just found the Saltwater kit I purchased... So where the heck did the frshwater kit come from, I've never had a freshwater tank!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by moorea2
LOL... Just found the Saltwater kit I purchased... So where the heck did the frshwater kit come from, I've never had a freshwater tank!!
maybe someone is telling u to get one! lol
if its un-open, sell it on the auction site!


Active Member
Some of the stuff in the freshwater kit will work. I have both, and some are identical. High range ph is the same for both. Low range ph from the freshwater kit is useless, because your ph will *hopefully* never get that low. Nitrite tests are the same, I believe.
Although these aren't included in the marine kit, it seems to me the carbonate hardness test the same for both marine and fresh. Someone can correct me, but I use this in my salt tank, and they seem to work fine. Not sure about general hardness.
Ammonia and nitrate are different for fresh and marine. The fresh ones use a one-part test, while the marines use a two part.
So it's not garbage. You might pick out the couple tests that you can use, and give the others away.


The box is opened but the regents are all still sealed! Now that I found the Salt water kit maybe I'll run some tests with both kits and see what the difference is, a science expierement.
If someone is telling me to get a freshwater tank I'm not listening, my 8 year old daughter has a betta fish in a small bowl (its almost yrs old) that is enough fo me. I look at the freshwater fish everytime I'm at the LFS but they never hold my interest like salt water fish!


thanks uberlink! Now I dont have to do any science expierements! Hopefully my PH will never get that low... but it could be useful as a reference as I can never read the test results right!


Active Member
Maybe you could get a nice 125 with simple lighting, blue gravel on the bottom, a treasure chest that opens with bubbles, and about a hundred feeder goldfish. Cheap, and it would keep that test from going to waste!



Maybe I'll use it to start testing the water in my daughters little beta bowl!
Think I'd have to go with the pink gravel and instead of the treasure chest one of those little diving guys!