

Im sure that some of yous have freshwater setus along with the saltwater, so id love to see them if I could. Thanks


I've got a cichlid freshwater tank, used to be 40g breeder but moved em into a Much Larger tank. Got this 130g (was saltwater) with a $300 protein skimmer, stand, canopy, refugium, the works for $200. We were going to make it saltwater again but realized lighting could be an issue since the tank was a tall (so instead just got a new 75g that'll be up soon) and well the guy we got it from was getting rid of it bc a "buddy" poured liquir into the tank and killed everything. Didnt want to risk anything having stayed in the silicone. Anyways here's pics of the 40g when the fish were still in it, and well.. my cats enjoying the new tank bf it was full.



Very nice oscars! Ive got one about 13" that now lives with my uncle in his tank beccause it outgrew mine and the next tank Im getting is a saltwater reef. Call me crazy, but I dont think a freshwater oscar would go over well in a saltwater peaceful reef lol. Very nice and Id love to see more! Oh and I love the way your oscars run to the other side of the tank when your cat goes up there, my cat would have been left without a foot if she did that with my oscars lol.


Active Member
Dont have pictures but in my 55gal I have 2 7-8" Tinfole barbs and 1 3" tiger barb 1 3" golden gramma 1 4" Blake skirt tetra 10+ years old in humman years.
And finally a electric yellow cichlid 5-6" he is the biggest bully.

noah's nemo

Black rhomb...
Got 2,but heres a shot of the baddazz.
For sale .Any takers.He's in the basement now.
Wifey says too many tanks upstairs..



Well it had:
one discus
three harlequin rasboras
a betta
a dwarf cichlid
a clam
some black neons
two pairs of threadfin rainbows
about 4 cories
like two oto cats
one polka dot busy nosed pleco
a butterfly fish
one flying fox.
This was just before the tank got worms.
The dwarf cichlid, a harlequin and the clam died. Coincidentally the butterflyfish jumped out of a tiny little hole.

reef noob

I have a 29 gallon freshwater aggressive community.
they r getting a bigger tank soon.
im gonna get a big catfish tank eventually.

reef noob

I have
1 silver dollar
1 green severum
1 9 inch pleco
1 banded leprinous (sp.)
1 eclipse cat
3 bumblebee cats
holy **** typing it out i realize how much I need a new tank
these guys are all about 5 inches
the bumblebees are 2 inches


My fellow mark, what size is the plecostomus? Are you willing to ship? I have an about 7-8" one in my tank now, what species is he?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by markeo99
not to hijack but anyone want a couple plecostomus
Hey, how big are they and whats there max size? Will you ship? I've been looking for a few plecos for my 25 gallon high heavily planted tank. Here is a picture of my tank.


coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by reef noob
I have
1 silver dollar
1 green severum
1 9 inch pleco
1 banded leprinous (sp.)
1 eclipse cat
3 bumblebee cats
holy **** typing it out i realize how much I need a new tank
these guys are all about 5 inches
the bumblebees are 2 inches
Hey, how big do sun catfish(also know as eclipse catfish) get? I used to have one but then put him into my goldfish pond, never seen him since.(I put the eclipse catfish in the goldfish pond about 1.5-2 years ago.)


My new babies!! My Maingano has been mouthbrooding for 3 weeks now and i mamaged to get a few shots before she sucked the fry back into the safety of her mouth.
