
reef noob

Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey, how big do sun catfish(also know as eclipse catfish) get? I used to have one but then put him into my goldfish pond, never seen him since.(I put the eclipse catfish in the goldfish pond about 1.5-2 years ago.)

google says 14-18 inches.

reef noob

Originally Posted by reef noob
I have
1 silver dollar
1 green severum
1 9 inch pleco
1 banded leprinous (sp.)
1 eclipse cat
3 bumblebee cats
holy **** typing it out i realize how much I need a new tank
these guys are all about 5 inches
the bumblebees are 2 inches
lol I found the bigger tank for my freshwater fish



I bought my tank from a guy that had it set up as a planted tank (didn't last too long with me
). He was running 4x55 watt PC lights with 2x6700k bulb and 2x7800k blubs, Flourite substrate and dosed Flourish Excel.