Friday Night 12 Pack - 72gl Bow


I've added a few pieces since I last posted, so I thought I would share. Still can't take that great of pics. The colors never come out right and they clarity is not there.


Active Member
WOW! that tank is awesome!
cant wait to see it in a couple of years when all those sps get huge! good job keep it up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
no reef tanks get better than that!!!!!!! not even the shedd aquarium

dude ok why do u have to put in 4 posts in one hour saying the same thing...:rolls eyes:.. plz stop with the multi posts. just say what you want in one sentense.
also Great tank and in one of the pics do u have a crusted monti...thats realy interesting


Originally Posted by fisherson
It's tanks like this that make me want to sell my car for a MH light setup and a big tank.
LOL i can totaly relate to that.
Beautiful tank