friday night 12 pack ....


Active Member
it is friday night and i am not doing anything.....yes i am officially a loser.
but at least my pics came out half decent!

1st three are a new aquisition of gsp. next two are of my devils hand. i think that that polyps are open especially far on this occasion.



Active Member
next is some different colored zoos. the "tentacles" (i guess thats what you would call them) seem awfully long on these guys. then 2 pics of my little clown goby. in the first pic, the rock next to him is actually a scarlet hermit, you can kinda see one of its legs all the way to the left, just for reference to size.then my scooter blenny and some zoos. my scooter seems to change color every once and a while, does anybody elses? and then my royal gramma. this guy is almost flourescent in real life. the purple and yellow are so cool.



Active Member
and finally left and right sides of the tank. damn that 12 pack went pretty quick. i guess ill have to go get another and drown away my sorrows some more. later gator



Im talking about the afro xenia. Sure could use some of that. I used to work off Jimmy leeds Rd. Thats near you right?


Wow!! That's alot of xenia. What's your secret? Everytime I gets some it eventually crashes.
Where do you shop for corals & stuff?


When you say your xenia crashes do you mean it falls over, 'cause that is how mine splits. It falls over and within two days has come back up with two or three stalks where there had been one.


Active Member
i go to ocean aquarium in pleasantville quite frequently, but i didnt purchase the xenia there. i actually bought it at a place called "aquarium authority" in marlton about a year ago as one tiny stalk. that place closed about 6 months ago. no secret to growing...just light skimming. i found that when i added cheato to my fuge the xenia slowed down. recently i took a ton of cheato out and i noticed a huge jump in the growth of the xenia.


Yeah! that's what I thought. I just like to ask just in case someone knows of a LFS that Ive never been to. I go to OA too. Ever check out the store in Somerspoint? Not all that great place but sometimes you can get a coral you'd never see at OA.You can also get 5 hermits or snails for $11.


Active Member
ive been to the one in somerspoint. yeah its not all that great, but i didn know about the snails and hermits for so cheap. ill have to go there today and check it out. i dont like going there cause a.) it stinks in there from all the mice and b.) i dont like how they have puppies in cages so small. im totally against pet stores selling puppies. id rather see them at a breeder. jmo


Active Member
xenia is sliced and diced as of sunday 1/8/6. should all be attatched to the rocks within a week. i have 12 frags if anybody wants to trade. i will not ship. if you want some you have to take a drive. im in galloway, nj (atlantic county) about 15 minutes north of atlantic city.