Friday Night pic party


Active Member
hey ya'll
here are a few pics from tonight the lights turned off while I was taking pics so some are under actinic and some are not. grab your camera people let see some new pics.



Active Member
had alot of trouble getting a good pic of this doughnut without that odd glare on the center but here it is anyhow. just got it on tuesday night



Active Member
just some zoos i kinda collect them. they come in amazing colors.
i have about 14 types right now
the pic above is under 20000k so the colors are much brighter but even under 10000 k theyreally stand out.
thanks for the comments here ate a few more of my fav zoos



Wow Oceana, those are beautiful. I live in Lakeland and would LOVE to visit your store. I am going to Sarasota this weekend, any suggestions on LFSs to visit in the area?


Active Member
well if you mean the store i go to then sure email me and i'll give you "THE LIST" haha
I travel everyweek to just about every store within 100 miles. i know ehn they get there corals and i am sure to call same day or visit and look for any new and interesting corals.
If you dont do that IMO they will be gone before you even get to see them.
i even have a few stores that will call me from the wholesaler if somthing is a bit pricey and ask me if i'm interested in peice they think i might want before they purchase them.
anyhow my email it
you can see some more of my pics.tank here
thanks for the comments


Fantastic fotos... I'm going to start fragging and buying more zoos, maybe someday I can get a nice group together like yours...thanks for the photos..

nemo lover

Nice pics!
Oceana I have the same addiction. Just not as much room as you do. Any particular color morph your looking for next? I can keep my eyes open for you? I am often on the hunt also.


Active Member
thanks for the comments. i just picked up a few more the otehr day so i will be posting pics later on