friday report


I totally respect you posting this kind of stuff, especially with all the abuse you take for Tap water, Mollies, no water changes, and macro algae in the tank. I'm like you, did this thing for 5 years, 15 years ago (early 80's). I must tell you though, I'm doing it the right way know. I take all the advise I can get. Just take a look at pics of the tanks on this board. If that don't make you think twice!! Back in the day, I couldn't kill a fish if I tried. This being with tap water, cc, fake corals etc. Gota love you though:D



does not believe bob.
so...bob, first your tank went from (nitrates) 160ppm to three days, then you said two, then one day. then its back up too 160ppm... i would like an explanation?
for the people who dont know what im talking about...he made a thread about that a week ago.



Originally posted by beaslbob
Yes bateria does convert nitrItes to nitrAtes. Not so in an anerobic environment for nitrAtes. So nitrAtes should be rising, but they are not. Hmmmmmmmm wonder why?
Further the water is still coudy with some macros still decomposing. So I thought ammonia should still be at least measurable. Could blame that on batceria also. I just find it interesting that ammonia is at 0.0, nitrAtes are dropping and nitrItes are not 0.0.

You also said that you had weak grape caulpera and the water was cloudy. Could the caulpera went sexual. When mine did it funked up my 125 in no time at all, it went limp and lost its color. Just a thought about the cloudy water.


Active Member
Do a search on beaslbob's posts. Either he simply won't bother taking others advice or he's in it for some laughs or attention. I wouldn't bother with his posts.
Just my honest opinion.

nm reef

Active Member
understand. still does not explain why nitrAtes are dropping with nitrItes still above 0.0
Sounds to me like a very un-stable system with a low bacteria population. The nitrates could be going down simply via consumption by the macros...but in time they will be released back into the system unless they are harvested and removed from the system. You mentioned that whenever you add fish the nitrites go up...not a good sign. The system should be established and stable enough to adjust for the bio-load increase without ammonia/nitrite fluctuations. To be honest I simply do not understand nor do I comprehend your methods!
Once again I would urge you to closely look at the success from procedures experienced reefkeepers follow...simply following some of the established methods of maintaining a reef would eliminate some of your problems.For the life of me I can't understand the point or purpose of your deviation from the norm!:cool: