fried shrooms


Active Member
My purple shrooms were shadowed by some rock and were "reaching" for light. I moved the rock that was shadowing them and now they have gotten a blue tint to them and have shriveled up. I figured they were just getting used to the light and would bounce back. Well they got more and more blue and continued shrinking. I decided things weren't going well so I move the rock back that was shadowing them...well they are still shrinking. One seems to be coming back but the others I think are on a downhill slide. They are near the bottom of my tank and lighting currently is 400w MH.
Seems my lighting is not conducive to their happiness....either too much or not enough.....


I think when you removed the "shadowing" rock the shrooms suddenly got the light straight on and were just getting used to it hence they shrunk so as not to get too much light. If there on a rock thats moveable maybe move them down a bit in the water, to a lower shelf perhaps.


Active Member
The rock they are one is about 15 inches in diameter and is at the bottom of the moving them is out and other than burying it in the sand they aren't going to get much lower...
Thanks for the idea though...It got me to thinking about breaking the rock in's a big flat fella and makes a good base but the shrooms are out on a projection of sorts. Hmmm looking for a hammer.....:notsure: