friend suicide..

hey guys thanks for the kind words, and a lot of talking happened today. a lot went down with his family hours before his suicide. his wife was leaving him, and he lost his temper and slammed her on the floor and broke both here wrist. he loved ever thing about his family.
i cried the hardest i have cried in a very long time. i got really messy when his 6 year son took the microphone. they had a 5 min video with some sad music, they were just random pics of him during his life. then it showed a pic of him with his white boy afro. then i went form crying to laughing then back to crying.
we all stood around afterwards and talked and laughed and got alot of questions answered. i feel like alot has been lifted of my shoulders.
this was the best possible situation that could have happened.
oh and plus at work today ,before the viewing ,i cut my finger bad with a sawsall (sp). and the work truck caught fire and my other friends son was in a car accident and is in critical care. plus my wifes grandmother is having emergency surgery tonight and may not make it.
today is horrible... thanks for everything and keep me in your prayers. they are helping...
god bless


Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
hey guys thanks for the kind words, and a lot of talking happened today. a lot went down with his family hours before his suicide. his wife was leaving him, and he lost his temper and slammed her on the floor and broke both here wrist. he loved ever thing about his family.
i cried the hardest i have cried in a very long time. i got really messy when his 6 year son took the microphone. they had a 5 min video with some sad music, they were just random pics of him during his life. then it showed a pic of him with his white boy afro. then i went form crying to laughing then back to crying.
we all stood around afterwards and talked and laughed and got alot of questions answered. i feel like alot has been lifted of my shoulders.
this was the best possible situation that could have happened.
oh and plus at work today ,before the viewing ,i cut my finger bad with a sawsall (sp). and the work truck caught fire and my other friends son was in a car accident and is in critical care. plus my wifes grandmother is having emergency surgery tonight and may not make it.
today is horrible... thanks for everything and keep me in your prayers. they are helping...
god bless
goob...I'm glad you got some answers. It has to be some relief knowing that something else was happening in your friend's life that you had no control over. Remember the good times, do what you can for his wife and kids, and keep talking about it to your other friends. Best of luck dude, and sorry for your loss.


Active Member
oy Goob. What a frikkin' day. Glad you got some answers. Here's hoping everything turns out ok w/your G-mom in-law & ur friends' son.
...and don't let YOURSELF get lost in all of this - make sure you take care of that cut you got!


Active Member
GH, That is the definition of "when it rains it pours"
Hang in there man, and will all that bad Karma going around make sure to take care of that cut. Don't let it get infected.
did a lot of praying last night.
seems everything is turning for the better. my other friends son is doing fine, broke his pelvus (sp)and messed his back up. my finger was taken care of (didnt get stitches) might lose my finger nail.
my wife's grandmother made it though the surgery and is doing well. she is talking and alert.
thanks everyone for kind words. means a lot.
thanks again.....


Active Member
My condolences to you and the family. Sorry to hear about your loss. Gald to hear that things were cleared up better. Glad to hear that everyone is doing better. I'll continue to pray for you and the families. You can always talk to us if you need someone to vent to about anything. We're here for ya!