

I have 2 young False Percula, and I am haveing a mature cinnamon clown given to me. Does anyone know if they will they get along?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mine?
I have 2 young False Percula, and I am haveing a mature cinnamon clown given to me. Does anyone know if they will they get along?
From what I've read, 2 clowns per tank is the max. Maybe someone else knows or has heard something that I haven't, but for me, I wouldn't do it.
Lisa :happyfish


In my 55gal I have two tomato clowns and two Pecula clowns. No Fin or body damage. They have been in there for 4 to 5 months now


I got the meanest of them all -- the king Maroon.. Put it this way, with my particular fishes I have started cycling another 30 gallon so the mean maroon will stop nipping on the false perculas.
I thought if I got them as juve's then they would grow up harmoniously -- wrong. The Maroon nips at the other 2 because he wants all the food during feeding time. And I give ENOUGH food for all -- but it's just his nature.
I don't know how different the cinnamon is versus the mean temperment of the maroon, perhaps someone else knows.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keonia
I don't know how different the cinnamon is versus the mean temperment of the maroon, perhaps someone else knows.

Ohhhh NOOOOoooo, the poor maroon is just misuderstood. I have a pair of gold stripe maroons and they are very friendly to everyone in the tank. The only problem is when you have them with other clowns. They really dislike other clowns, so just remember one clown per party or a clown and side kick(mate) or they step all over each other's punch lines and nobody gets a good joke out leading to the fin nipping you have now.
(thats my take on why clowns don't like other clowns)


yeah my cinnomon clown killed my precula clown, so I don't recommend it.
My lfs had said they would since I had 100g tank.
not true