Frog spawn dead



So frustrating because it was not cheap. Nitrates were around 20 while it was alive. Did a water change and also added red slime remover. What do you think caused it?
I also got a flower pot coral at the same time and it is thriving!
Be warned, frog spawn is hard to keep imo.


Active Member
Many things can be the cause of its death. Lighting? Water params? Disease? It may have died of brown jelly which is well knwon for killing many of the euphyllia family.


I have 130 watt PCs on 29 Gal. I was also thinking high nitrates were due to me putting in extra additives when I got them. I put in Coral vital and Microvert over first few days. One dose of each on different days. I also have CPR bak pak.
Also fighting green hair algae.
This is fun but an expensive hobby.


130 watts is'nt enough for a 29gl. IMO. I have 280watts on mine. My frogspawn looks great. Sorry for your loss though. I think you should upgrade your lighting. Your right, it is a fun hobby.


Active Member
Nothing in this hobby is cheap
I tried starting small but then ended up going from a 20 to a 100. If everything is done right and you give it alot of tlc then it can be very rewarding.


IMO, lights are ok, I believe the cause was the additives you added on your tank....On my 20gl, I never added anything unless needed, I believe the best way is the natural way with clean water parameters.......If you get a coral, don't add any additives unless is necessary....Good Luck


Active Member
On the smaller tanks or any tank, a good water change is better than adding the additives. Always test for the stuff your adding as well.


viet-tin - I am right down the road from you (parmer and mcneil)
Where are you finding the best stuff at (Which LFS)
sorry to jack the thread


Originally Posted by p312wr1
I put in Coral vital and Microvert over first few days.
Also fighting green hair algae.
I see the connection now. Coral Vital = hair algae, never use an additive that doesn't list what is in it. That stuff reminds me of what comes out of a protien skimmer and is just as useful.
I agree with viet-tin thoughts, check lighting and water paramiters, also your turnover rate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dieselndix
viet-tin - I am right down the road from you (parmer and mcneil)
Where are you finding the best stuff at (Which LFS)
sorry to jack the thread
I dont usually buy things here in austin but drive down to S.A. Occasionally ill stop by horizon pets river city aquatics and sometimes aqua-tek.