Frog Spawn Disppring


Active Member
I tried to ask this in Corals and Trading but I must be in the wrong one for this.
I have a 5 ??branch?? Frog Spawn and now there are three branches that have nothing on them. I have a really bad feeling that this is the work of a bristle worm!!
Should I take it out and move it over to the 180?? And: Will it grow back????


The dead heads won't grow back. Hopefully you will see additional branchs budding between the live heads.


Active Member
I would really strongly suggest listing water parameters and lighting and more specifics. How long have you had the coral? Let's eliminate some potential issues first.
We often jump to conclusions that things are being eaten, before we think that something is dying. Have you seen the bristleworm? And also note that if dying the coral will attract bristleworms and other is important to know if it is healthy and being eaten, or dying and being eaten.


Active Member
I am not at home so I can't list what the water parameters are. I will do that ASAP.
Yes I have seen the worm.
on them not growing back!! I have had them for a few months now and they were doing really really well I mean just full on "blossoming"
Then the last couple of weeks I wake up and there is another branch eaten away OR dead.
I did a water check last week everything is where it should be. Tested Salinity too. I don't have the high tech reader so now I am unsure what it might have been!! It was in the lower half if the green. Just a little under the middle of it.
Sorry I don't have exact numbers!! I work around numbers all day and tend to not think about them when I get home!!!


Active Member
I don't think about the numbers unless they are not correct or off by any means.
Then I would probably know exactly what it was.
When they are where they are supposed to be then I am HAPPY :cheer: