

Does anyone have them? Do you find them easy to take care of? How do they do around other fish? Thanks for the info!


Active Member
Only thing i know about frogfish is that they need a species only tank, because they can/will eat other fish.


Active Member
I don't have any, but I am intrigued by them. My LFS has a mated pair of some huge yellow ones that are each about the size of footballs for $700. They are monsters.
They also have a variety of smaller frogfish too. One of the younger employees likes to throw in damsels into their tanks when no one is looking so we can watch them eat!!


Active Member
I'm looking for one myself. I was offered a 3" A. Maculatus for $65 but I'm kinda scared.
Seems they tend to not live long in captivity, several months at most, USUALLY. Some do live for years. Some never take to eating frozen or non-living food. They require very good water conditions. They change their color to suit their environment, so spending extra for a certain color isn't in your best interest. They enjoy hanging out around sponges.
I figure a lot of them probably die prematurely due to people overfeeding them for entertainment.
You should Google "Antennarius" and read about the different kinds. Like mentioned some grow pretty big, some stay relatively small.


Thanks for everyones help and input. I would really like them but don't seam to be a safe guy to have.


New Member
I bought one about 3 months ago from a lfs. I have a friend who works there and told me that they couldnt sell him for like 4 months so they would heavily discount him. I'm glad I bought him because he is by far my favorite fish. He is currently in a 55g tank with 5 other fish that are substantially bigger than him. He loves to hide in the live rock and stays put until the lights go out. Thats when he scours the sand bed. I'm not particularly sure exactly what kind of frogfish he is, but he was bright orange when I bought him. He is now a light brown/orange (he blends into the sand alot better). The only real disadvantage to having him is feeding him. I feed him about 3-4 times a week by a tube. In other words, I take a large thawed krill and put it about a 1/4 way in the tube and then dangle in front of him. Sometimes he'll eat multiple pieces. When I first bought him, he ate a goby (stupidity on my part), but wont eat any feeder fish since. I think they are an awesome fish to own with the proper care.


Active Member
Got a Commerson's Angler about 1 month ago. So far so good. I feed him Molly's twice a week. He is about the size of my fist, the Molly's are about the size of my pinky. He climbs around all over the tank. For now he is in a 30 gallon until I switch him out with my small community fish in the 75 gallon.
I might try keeping him with a med-large Zebra Eel. Maybe.


New Member
That's funny you said that because I have my frogfish with my zebra eel. The eel is about 2.5 feet. and the frogfish is 4 inches. they get along great. except the frogfish had my picasso trigger half swallowed on multiple occasions. the trigger freed himself every time.