frogspawn and hammer coral info and help


Active Member
What do I have to take into consideration when purchasing my hammer and frogspawn coral? What regarding water levels do they have to be? I have an idea of the rocks I'm going to place each one on... they're both on operate sides of the overflow and are about mid way up the tank. They also will be about 1 1/2 feet away from a korilia 1500 powerhead. Lights are 2x 65w whites and 2x 65w actinics. Will a total of 5 hours be ok for them with both lights on and a total of 10 with just actinics on be ok? I'm just trying to cover all my bases before going through with purchasing these.


Active Member
From wet web;

Due to their sharp, often thin-walled skeletons most of the Euphyllids are easily damaged in collection, shipping, handling. Take care to carefully examine prospective buys. Prophylactic dips involving half doses of malachite green and diluted seawater have proven efficacious in treating many cases of tissue degeneration on arrival at wholesale facilities, but many specimens are lost to avoidable trauma. Colonies should only be touched on their non-living undersides, gingerly wrapped in sheets of plastic bagging underwater and double, triple bagged with a liner for transport.

Is very important with these animals. They possess very expansive bodies and stinging tentacles which can/will extend to other sessile invertebrates placed near them. Further, there is a good chance of negative chemical interaction with Soft Corals (Order Alcyonacea) should these be crowded, challenged. I would leave at least six inches of "no man's land" space between colonies of these species and any/all other sessile invertebrate livestock.
Take care to acclimate new specimens (via water transfers) and introduce all as small specimens if possible. Other countervailing strategies like the use of activated carbon, frequent partial water changes, effective mechanical filtration are suggested.

Medium lighting and weaker current are appreciated by Euphyllids. Many are collected in shallow, turbid waters in the cover of mud/silt and seagrasses. Excessive water movement can be a cause of sweeper tentacle extension and subsequent stinging of tankmates. Likewise, the family is quite susceptible to photo-shock. New specimens should never be exposed to powerful lighting. Instead, place them in deeper, indirectly illuminated areas initially.

These corals are ready "macro-meaty-food-item" eaters. Surprisingly large pieces of cut fish, invertebrates (e.g. cut clam, shrimp, squid...) as food can/should be offered directly to their feeding tentacles. I suggest this be done at a rate of twice a week... to balance between sustenance and pollution from overfeeding. I also endorse a once weekly soaking of these foods in a vitamin preparation before offering.

As mentioned, damage leads to easy losses either quickly or more slowly via tissue recession or Brown Jelly Disease (protozoan, bacterial involvement). Filamentous algae growth on denuded sites can be real trouble. Some folks have outbreaks of various flatworms (Platyhelminths) on these corals, but these are best ignored, rather than treated for. "


Active Member
i have (now)4 frogspawn,1 hammer and a torch in my torch has grown so big i had to split it into 3.still big the one has 10+ heads and the other two 4 and 6 or 7.the hammer was 4 inches when i got it now its around 7 inches the torch is a bit bigger not growing as fast.i noticed when they were under 2 175watt mh they werent growing too fast.but now under 4 96watt pc and 3 250 mh they are growing like might want to upgrade you lights for better results.


Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442 http:///forum/thread/381664/frogspawn-and-hammer-coral-info-and-help#post_3325738
i have (now)4 frogspawn,1 hammer and a torch in my torch has grown so big i had to split it into 3.still big the one has 10+ heads and the other two 4 and 6 or 7.the hammer was 4 inches when i got it now its around 7 inches the torch is a bit bigger not growing as fast.i noticed when they were under 2 175watt mh they werent growing too fast.but now under 4 96watt pc and 3 250 mh they are growing like might want to upgrade you lights for better results.
Yeah, I was worried I was going to hear something like that. Everything I have read said hammers will be fine under PC lights. I currently have a lighting system of 2x 65w whites and 2x 65w actinics and based off of what I've read, that should be sufficient as long as I keep them near the mid section (which I had intended to do). However, the more I read about frogspawn (the one coral I had truly wanted) I see many people say under PC lighting they turn brown. I don't know if they're keeping them near the bottom of the tank or if they don't have strong enough light but I'd assume a total of 260w for the time the lights are on should be sufficient enough. Although they weren't growing at an extremely fast rate, I'm sure they were growing, and in great condition under the 2x 175 MH light. Unless you had them at the bottom of your tank and had a deep tank that is...


Active Member
no problem with their health in the 90 but i see a huge difference with the big lights now.they did grow in the 90 is why i put them in a bigger tank.i actually like the hammer and torch more.the frogspawn is still a tan/red/brown and doesnt stand out like the hammer which has the fluorescent green and the torch has the tan fingers with the bright green tips.since i added them to the 250 i also took out the lr form the 90 and added it to the 250 i have been battling an algea bloom with the big lights.i am finally getting ahead of it.i will be getting a bunch more corals soon.i was battling some kind of super (pita)ich for over a year finally got rid of it.but i plan to stock alot more corals before i add fish.
i keep my mh on 9 hrs a day and the pc 12.probably why i got the algea but once the tank gets over it it will be gone.the tank just needs to catch up to the changes


Active Member
everything I have read has stated that you do not count your antics in the watts for corals. So you might want to get confirmation that you can do what you are trying to do with your lights.