I got frogspawn and hammer corals couple days ago. I was just wondering how far i should place them from the light? What to feed them and how often feed them?
My Tank is 29 gallon. 18" deep. And light is 130w PC lights.( 65w 10000K and 65w 50/50 )
Place them at least 1/4 of the way up the tank. The dont need to be fed, but for faster growth they can be fed any meaty food (shrimp, clams, muscle, etc.)
Originally Posted by paulcoates
give them their space. my hammer took out my favia and my last frogspawn
I got them from someones tank. They were just beside each other and they looked very healty. But anyway i placed them away from each other. Only concern i am having now if they are too close to lights. any idea?
Yes to much light could possibly hurt them, but your lights are some of the weakest they make (except for normal flouescents) so the hammer and frogspawn should be fine
okay, Thanks. Another question. I have green star polyp as hitchiker. They are only 3-4 polyps i saw them 2 months ago they didnt separate at all. Can i do something about them to grow more?
Thanks again