Frogspawn and water flow


I just bought a frogspawn for my 90gal and placed him near the top of the tank. I was wondering if I might have to much water flow on it. Those of you with frogspawns, do you feel they like more water flow or less? I also put it towards the top of the tank as I only have 440w of vho's. So far it seems to be ok. It has not opened all the way but he is not closed either.
Just wondering if I can keep it where it is?


I cant answer ur questio but i have some questions for you.I have a 90 gal reef im about to set up and im looking for some lighting.I was planning on getting 440 watts of VHO like urs.How are ur corals doing under it?And what brand are the lights?Are they some sort of retrofit?I would like to see a pic of ur tanc if ya got one plz..


frogspawn branching coral likes a medium flow of water. If it is near a powerhead it is ok, just dont put it right on top of or in front of one.


mine is just below my return and he loves it, not so much that its blowing too hard, behind my camera happy tangs.


I agree with Viper. Mine is on the bottom of a 90 with dual 250w MH and 184w PC. It is toward a corner and looks like a wheat field in a gentle breeze. It has close to doubled its' size in 4 months.