Frogspawn and zoo's

cathy joe

ok I have a 2x65 orbit lighting with moonlight's. We are buying a 75 gallon with the hm lighting in 1 or 2 month's so my question is: will it be ok to go ahead and buy some zoo's and a frogspawn and keep in my 30gallon untill we get the 75 and cycle it?
And when we get it (the 75g) could we use our water in the 30g or do we need to go ahead and buy all the water, etc... and do a cycle?


Active Member
I would use the water from the old tank as mutch as I could. It would already have the esential bacteria and it wouldnt take as long to cycle with it.


Doesn't the bacteria reside in the rocks/substrate/sponge etc. etc. and not the water? Don't know...that's what I always thought--


Active Member
Sand and rock dose harber the bacteria but most likely you will get some in the water. Also you will know were the water has come from and you know it is stable and ready for fish or inverts.

cathy joe

well when I transfer the water do I just wait untill I do the water exchange in the 30g or can I put all my stuff from my 30g in the 75? wouldn't that kill all my coral's and fish? I mean it would still have to cycle wouldn't it? I'm gonna have to buy alot more live sand and ro water and some more live rock's I won't buy any rock's unless their cured, but I don't want to take a chance on killing everything in 30g. So do you think it would be safer to wait 3 month's and then add my water, rocks, coral and fish?


Active Member
You would need to let the water cycle first yes. Then after it is done just add the stuff slowly.

cathy joe

ok thanks! Should I use any of my water from the 30g when I do water exchange's would that help it boost the cycle or have no effect at all?

cathy joe

ok well thanks. You know my lfs owner told me it probally wouldn't do much if any of a cycle if we used all our water, sand, and live rock from the 30g. and bought some more live sand, live rock and ro water. Do you think this is false info? He said if anything start's looking bad then I can put my corals and fish in his tank untill everything is stable. Do you think it's too big of a risk or not?