Frogspawn Help


Active Member
My frogspawn has been doing great for weeks but today I come home from work and see that only half of it is "expanded" and the other half is all shriveled as if it were nighttime or something. The lighting hasn't changed or anything. I'm just wondering why it might do this, what could be a factor, and if it'll be ok. I can't seem to get a good pic of the "affected" area either, or I'd post something. Thanks for any info!


Is it possible that a fish might have been irritating it?
I would think that as long as the tenticals are not loosing color, then it should be ok. My frogspawn doesn't fully extend in certain areas sometimes and it's been doing good for a while now.
However, someone else may have something to add on this matter.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. My cleaner shrimp likes to climb on it at times, I guess it may have gotten irritated by that (I sure would...haha). One thing I did notice is that although the color looks good, there are what look like shriveled and dissolved tentacles that have come off on the surrounding rock. Is that normal or maybe a part of an acclimation period? I've had it for almost a month and this is the first time I've noticed that....


My frogspawn did same thing like 2 weeks ago for 4-5 days but at the end it came back normal with 2 heads :) It was spliting :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bluemantr
My frogspawn did same thing like 2 weeks ago for 4-5 days but at the end it came back normal with 2 heads :) It was spliting :)
Thats how my hammer would split. I thought the head was dead but then the tentacles would come back as 2 heads.
But in just the past couple weeks, I lost about 3 heads of my hammer for no apparent reason. I dose b-ionic 2-part and test calc, alk, and mag. None of my other corals were affected, including SPS. I think one of the heads caught some sort of disease and the connected heads all died too. The remaining 3/4 of the hammer was unaffected and still open huge. No one on here could really explain it.