Frogspawn, How Difficult is it?


Hello Everyone,
I've seen frogspawn in quite a few pictures people have be sharing. How difficult is it to keep it alive? Where are you plaing it in your tanks? Any pros or cons? Thanks for your replies in advance!! Qbnfreek, Los Angeles


Active Member
As far as LPS go, very easy. I would say its like a 3 out of 5. Need sufficient light and descent flow, but thats about it. I've had two for about a year under PC's


Active Member
Well my tank is not tall at all anyways, its only a 20 long. So its only 12' high. And my lights rest on th top of the tank. SO mines middle-upper places and about 5 inches from lights!!!


Active Member
I would say frogspawn is easy to keep for an lps. I have about 500 watts of PC light on a 45 high and my frogspawn is halfway down in my tank so maybe 14 inches from my lights and its producing baby heads. I have even done something stupid and "whacked" it with a net while trying to catch my baby clown fish ripping of several of the bubbles.. it recoiled for a day and came right back. IMO they are a pretty hardy LPS.


Frogspawn is my favorite coral. Very easy to keep. I have mine under T-5 lights in the upper half of my reef in a gentle flow. I have a pink one that, when open, is almost a foot across.