Frogspawn Info!


*Please Input Some Frogspawn Info Please*
Im wanting to add a frogspawn coral to my 10g nano. I think they are one of the best looking corals, and have heard that clownfish will take them in as a host. So if anyone has any stories of keeping this species feel free to step up to the keyboard.
Gwiley :happy:


My percula clown hosts my frogspawn, I love this coral it needs to be kept apart from other corals so that nothing is touching. med/high light with medium flow. I feed mine cyclopeez and sometimes Dt's. They can be sensitive if messed with or water parameters are not good. I had an unfortunate overheating issue last Christmas and almost lost it but with a ton of TLC it has come back full force. It took a good month and a half before even starting to recover so dont be discouraged if you get yours and acclimate it just right for it to take up to 3 weeks to be happy again! Mine is the mint green with pink tipped variety.


Active Member
I had one in a 75 and agree with what was said, but IMO a 10 gall might be too small. I have kept 10 galls (FOWLR) before and I would of never put any coral with the stinging ability or sweepers like a frog. in there, unless it was the only coral.............and thats not an option once your addicted, and you will get addicted HTH


I have a frogspawn in my 10 gal
and clarkiiboi is right it is tough, it needs plenty of space to open up and it will sting and kill other corals I lost a M.Digitata frag to my frogspawn. I am fragging it next week to get some more space


as you can see in the pic the frogspawn is on the left side of the you see any other corals even close?


wow thanks for all the responses! :joy:
i have a few questions still though.
does the frogspawn extend even bigger at night to fed?
what are easy ways of fragging the coral to keep it under control?
thats all i got for right now thanks again for your help
Gwiley :D


My frogspawn semi close up at night but gets huge during the day. I think a speck would even bother the digita, mine is a pain even though I like it. I had a branch die just from a kenya coral touching it. I would keep it seperate just in case, also your clown will feel like he has his own spot. A 10 gallon is small but I have seen some very pretty nanos that size. Amazing Aquariums in Daytona has one with 2 baby bangaiis in it with some frogspawn and zoos. Carrie


Active Member
I have to frag mine every 3 or 4 months. I usually take two pairs of pliers, I grab each brach toward the base of the split and twist. It feels like you're breaking a bone, and it'll splinter a little. Some may not agree with this method, but I went from having one FS frag a year ago and now have two pieces in my tank, each has 3-4 branches about ready to get fragged. I've already traded 2 frags to my LFS for other little goodies. Just be sure you don't squeeze the pliers too much while you're trying to twist. Some of the frags may look like they won't make it afterwards but it'll come back.
Since FS are photosynthetic inverts as well, they will retract at night and increase in size during the day to feed.


Active Member
BTW, you can let frogspawns and hammers touch, being in the same genus they don't bother each other. I have one of each in my 29 and they overlap some when the polyps are fully extended.


Just a word of caution about Frogspawns, I have spoke with a few wholesalers lately and they shared that most of the FS they are recieving are in really poor health for some reason. Don't take this the wrong way, if you can find a healthy one, I would say go for it but keep it away from all the other corals. Just be sure to really look around. All the above suggestions are on the money. I had mine with 8 heads in my 75 and it hosted my two percs, but sadly I lost it to a hurricane


Active Member
My frog has been very peaceful. It has not stung a thing. I have never seen any sweepers more than a few inches. Take a look how close it is to a lobophylia.


It was
a beautiful football size piece of pipe organ, it is the only piece of coral I lost during the 5-6 hurricanes last year- naturally my favorite. The skeleton is a bright burgandy tubelike rock now still pretty but not like it was when it was alive I miss it. I have not seen any like it since. I have a nice generator now so I say to the hurricanes "JUST BRING IT" haha, well not really they are bad I hope we never have anymore. Carrie


Seems pretty easy to keep. Started with 6 heads a year and a half ago and I have eleven now. It host my Percula as well.