Frogspawn not happy


Hi - I've had my frogspawn in a 29g for months now and it's been diong really well. I added an emerald crab the other day, and one branch of the frogspawn has been sucked in and unhappy looking. This morning the emerald crab was clinging to the stalk and seemed to be bugging the frogspawn. Is it a danger? I love my coral... water parameters are all good, everything at 0... no changes except adding crab.
Any thoughts?


Hi - thanks for the reply. I do have a bit of hair algae, which is mainly why I got the crab. Some of it is on one of my powerheads, so maybe he can't get up there. Do I need to worry about the frogspawn? It hasn't looked right since the crab arrived last week.


Active Member
Emeralds can be a problem, esp. as they get bigger. If I were you, I would QT the crab for a coupla days and see if the frogspawn recovers.


Sorry to hear that, but good luck trying to catch him. There pretty fast, and they have an unbelievable grip.