Frogspawn question


:thinking: I had a 6 head piece of frogspawn, two heads appeared to have died off, I was worried about what was going on, now tonight I took my flashlight and looked at my other critters in the tank, and discovered one of the frogspawn heads that I thought had died off behind the rock in the sand alive, can this be possible, why would this happen, very weird to me, has anyone else experienced this? Thanks


Active Member
I forgot what its called but when a polyp releases from the skeleton its a sign that its not happy where it was for what ever reasons. Ill look it up.


Active Member
"polyp bailout'' how could I forget that. Normaly due to stess of some kind. Have you changed lights or something major lately ?


Active Member
Maybe, according to Fenner....bring it into light in a frag cup on a rock with a net to hold it gently in place and feed it small calcium enriched foods like crustations, mysis, a slow go.


thanks for the info, we will see what happens, I checked to see what maybe I have done wrong and maybe, I feel I may have overdosed, I did a 25% water change to put things back to normal, but the damage was done to the frogspwan, Thanks


Active Member
What other corals do you have in the tank? Frogspawn is an outer reef coral and probably should not be mixed with inner reef corals. I should also not be kept with other outer reef corals unless you skim intensely and use carbon. Just a few humble thoughts of mine



Originally Posted by funkyman
What's an "inner reef" coral? What's an "outer reef" coral?

along for the ride on this one


Active Member
Outer reef corals are from areas of the ocean where the currents are strong and constant. The water is usually pristine.
Inner reef corals are from areas of the ocean where the currents are intermittant and chaotic, switching directions quickly and frequently. The water is usually turbid (filled with sediment and floating particles).