FrogsPawn Sick?


I got a frogspawn from my lfs about two weeks ago. It opened nicely but just started to look wierd. The tenticles are looking really different. My tests are withing the normal range. I have 4 PC 65w lighting the tank and the frogspawn is about halfway down. I just moved it to a lessor flow area. What are some things to look for? I also have star pollyps that I am still waiting to fully open, also two weeks. I will say I am fighting a heat problem. Temp is usually around 79-82


Active Member
Please humor us and post your water paramiters anyway including calc and alk. Additionally i believe that is a torch coral (someone will correct me if i am wrong)


Thank you, after seeing those pics, I do believe I have a torch as well.
Here are my results:
Ph: 8.5
Nitrite: .1
Nitrate: 5
Phosphate: .25
Calcium: 600
S Gravity: 1.027


Calcium 600? better check your alkalinity, I have the feeling it may be low.


alkalinity? Wowo I don't remember that being part of my test kit. Hagen master test kit. I don't think I measured that yet.


Active Member
your levels are a bit high. 600 calcium is much to high. it needs to be no more than 500. the ph is a bit high but not that high. 8.3-8.0 is a bit better. same with salinity i would bring it down to .025. what is your tanks temperature? 79-82? thats normal..... if its 85+ then you need to worry and figure something out.


Active Member
Do you add any kind a calcium buffer? With 600 Cal i would agree with Thomas your alk may be as low as 3 dkh(gasp)
Also with PH of 8.5 i would be carefull when raising alk, i suggest if you are adding a cal buffer to discontinue untill levels decrease. What salt brand are you using and have you checked your water source for cal?


If you have any of that saltwater left from the LFS then test it. If not take a sample of your tank water down and have it tested against your readings just to see if anything is really different.
At this point I would also suggest if they can test for it to do Magnesium. It plays a big roll in the balance of alkalinity and calcium
Didn't know you would have to become part chemist did you?


No I didn't lol. I was thinking to get a test kit fot the alk. How would I raise it if it is low and how do I lower calcium?


Active Member
First we have to find the cause of your problem and correct it from the source. Check the water from your LFS to see if that is the problem, check your alk as i believe it will be low, if your alk is ok with that much cal i think your coraline would be spreading up your walls and on to the ceiling by now...


Just check your LFS water for Alkalinity and Calcium right now then let us know the numbers.


Active Member
If you mean 120ppm that would equal 6.72 dkh which is very low you need to shoot fo 11-12.Sorry about your torch but it looks like a gonner to me