

What is the amount of lighting in your tank? I see that you have 2 MH's and 2 Actinics, but what is the wattage. Also do you use any calcium supplements? DO offense but for a 1 year old tank I would expect more coraline algae. Maybe your calcium is low.


calcium is actually a little on the high side i think 480. You are right the algae is not that much, we just got the metal halides and atinics in January, before that we had a very very very weak lighting system not worth mentioning. Wattage??? I dont want to sound dumb, but he handles all that, I think they are 14K I heard him say that and the atinics I dont know. :notsure:


Active Member
Have you tested alkalinity? It might be pretty low, expecially if your having pH swings. What exactly is your nitrates? Do you knwo what type of lighting the coral came from? It might have been on the low side, and it might just be shocked by too much light all of the sudden.


Active Member
You have other LPS that are doing fine, correct? It looks ok to me, just maybe not acclimated to your tank yet. LPS are funny about MH's. All the LPS I've ever had look better under PC's then they did under MH's, that doesn't mean they were retracted like your is. I'd give it a week or two and see what happens. I bet this time next week you'll be showing us a whole different looking coral.


That's usually called fine grape frogspawn. You may want to put it on your sand bed until it opens and move it up so it can get used to your lights.


Hey I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me out, and gave me different advise. And although I tried diligently, my frogspawn did not make it

But thankfully the LFS that I bought it from, was generous enough to take it back and give me credit towards something else, something healthier:cheer:
Thanks again everyone!