

Active Member
i was looking at a really nice frospawn at my lfs yesterday and was wondering how diffficul they are tocare for.. I have 260 watt pc on a 72 bowfront. is that enough lighting for this coral? any advise would be appreciated..thanks


Active Member
Hey there , I wouldnt recommend frogspawn under that light ,sorry
.It might last for a while but eventually it would die.They really need MH.


I have one under PC's I've had it for 1 month and it has doubled in size, seems very happy in my 120


Active Member
thats great
There is always the exception to every rule.
You can always try it, if it starts to not look well ,take it back.




Frogspawn and most LPS do not need MH, PC lighting is fine.
Although with only 260 watts on a 72 gallon you only have about 3.6 watts per gallon.
I would recommend being closer to 5- 7 watts per gallon for LPS.
I do fine with all my LPS corals with only PC lights, but I have 288 watts on a 45.
Your choice though. You may ask the LFS if they will take it back if you struggle with it in your tank, but I would get more light before trying. IMO


Active Member
I have a very large frogspawn that has maintained its size in my 20 gl. long for 3+ months under PC. Yours should probably be fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I have a very large frogspawn that has maintained its size in my 20 gl. long for 3+ months under PC. Yours should probably be fine.

How many watts per gallon do you have?


Active Member
Then I guess I need to inform my big old clump of frogspawn it is supposed to die any day now since its been at least 10 months under nothing but PC........Do I need to starat digging a hole to bury it or spend money on ights that I do not think I reallay need?
I have this frogspawn in a 16 gal BF with approx 135 watts of pc lights and everything does fine. And its even located on the bottom portin of the tank and those 16 gal BF are relatively deep tanks....I say buy the frogspawn if it suits you. Does it not make you wonder how anything was ever kept before they came out with HO and MH lights..LOts of things were kept just fine, but today unless you in thr click with the MH and HO and T5 lights your not in the game and everything is bound to fail.......yea right!


New Member
Hey guys! I am new to the forums but I have some knowlegde that I would like to share. From my experience in this hobby and working in a LFS, almost all LPS corals can be kept under PC lighting, including euphyllia's because most LPS corals are not found in the shallow reef. Therefore, MH lighting is not required for keeping LPS corals. I would also like to add that using the amount of watts per gallon is not an effective method for measuring light. Take for example that you have an 1 gallon tank and using a 65 watt PC light. This tank would have 65 watts per gallon; however, it is still not enough to keep most SPS corals. What I am trying to say is that, it is not about how much watts of lighting you have in your tank, but rather, placing the coral in the appropriate area. Let's say you have a 8 foot (long) tank and there is only one MH lighting on the left sideof the tank. You'll be able to keep corals on the left side of the tank becaues there is lighting, and any corals placed any where else won't survive because there is no lighting. So, IN MY OPINION, don't worry too much about having enough light for the frogspawn, but rather focus on where to place the coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jahfeetyun
Hey guys! I am new to the forums but I have some knowlegde that I would like to share. From my experience in this hobby and working in a LFS, almost all LPS corals can be kept under PC lighting, including euphyllia's because most LPS corals are not found in the shallow reef. Therefore, MH lighting is not required for keeping LPS corals. I would also like to add that using the amount of watts per gallon is not an effective method for measuring light. Take for example that you have an 1 gallon tank and using a 65 watt PC light. This tank would have 65 watts per gallon; however, it is still not enough to keep most SPS corals. What I am trying to say is that, it is not about how much watts of lighting you have in your tank, but rather, placing the coral in the appropriate area. Let's say you have a 8 foot (long) tank and there is only one MH lighting on the left sideof the tank. You'll be able to keep corals on the left side of the tank becaues there is lighting, and any corals placed any where else won't survive because there is no lighting. So, IN MY OPINION, don't worry too much about having enough light for the frogspawn, but rather focus on where to place the coral.

Thank you.... Your dead on the money in your post.


Although I agree with most of what you are saying.
One i think if you have a one gallon with 65 watts of PC lighting you could keep sps.
The other hand no watts per gallon doesn't mean everything but is a good guide line, kind rule of thumb kind thing.
Most here and on other forums, have the opinion that if you can;t keep it alive then you shouldn't buy it.
This is why so many have posted not to buy without better lighting.
Yes placement will help, but so will better lighting and then you can place everywhere in your tank.
No one wants a tank that the top of it is packed with corals and the bottom has nothing but sand and rock.
There is a difference between can it be done and should it be done.
But yes you can keep LPS under PC as I stated earlier.
And yes the more watts per gallon you have the better the corals survival rate will be.
So you can keep a LPS coral under 3.6 watts per gallon yes. But will it thrive and grow as nice as it might if you had 6.5 watts of PC light per gallon on a 72, no.
The risk is in the buyers hands.
But look at it this way. If people continue to buy corals from the LFS and take them home, and the coral dies what happens? The LFS gets another one in, this is taken from the ocean. If too many corals are taken from the ocean, someday there will be a stop put to it, or the pricing will go way up.
If he buys the coral and it thrive under good lighting and grows to be three times the size frags it and sells to some one where did that frag come from?
Not the ocean.
This is what people are trying to say here.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Do what you want, but everytime a coral dies remember where the next one is coming from.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit
Hey there , I wouldnt recommend frogspawn under that light ,sorry
.It might last for a while but eventually it would die.They really need MH.

I have never heard of them needing to be under MH lighting. We have had 3 in they same tank with PC lighting they have tripled in size.