

Active Member
I got a new coral from a place I haven't been today. They seemed to be okay and fairly knowledgeable. It wasn't labeled, but I asked for it as a hammer. They told me it was a frogspawn. These look similar, but I'm still not completely convinced. I went there for frogspawn, torch, or hammer, I wasn't being picky. It was very small and looked like it was dying. I asked about it. They said that it went though a tank crash and was transfered here. It's been fine for months and has grown some, they said. So they sold me the thing for 20 bucks. Which seemed a little steep, but not terrible. It's been floating for almost half an hour in my tank now. Pics in a minute. I just wanted to get it because it is available nowhere else (near) and shipping isn't going to work really.


Active Member

There it is!

This is a pic of the crab. I'm quite proud of this picture because I had doubts that I would be able to even see it. He really blends in.

I call this one, "FAIL" The little red dot is part of a tinee tiny bristleworm...just take my word for it.


Looks like a hammer pic ture I have seen...fs tips are more least mine are anyway.
I could be wrong....I just know what mine look like.


Looks like a hammer to me.
$20 is fair (not great) for one head. The only problem I see is that it's sitting on a coral skeleton with a bunch of dead heads that won't grow back.
Why couldn't they just order you a hammer/frogspawn/torch?


Active Member
It was covered with coraline algae too, which is great. Yeah, those heads won't grow back...but will the live hammer cover it up? I thought it was a hammer! lol
Can you see that crab? Any clue what kind it is?


I can't see the crab.....As I have witnessed by other peoples photographs, hammers grow more heads like I would have to guess that as it grows it can spread onto the other areas.....


Most definalely a hammer. I just bought a frogspawn about a week ago. I think I got a deal on it but am unsure. 7 heads 70 dollars. Good luck with your hammer.


Active Member
It is definitely 100% a hammer coral. Today it is fully open and looks really healthy. At the LFS, I could see why it may be confused...since it wasn't fully extended. It's loving my lights (brighter than the lfs I believe). My clownfish seemed really interested in it when I floated it in the bag, but now it won't even look at it.