From a pistol shrimps perspective


Active Member
My pistol shrimp has setup his den, with the back of the den being the front of the tank. He's dug down about 2" into the DSB. I was able to get a couple of decent pics.


Active Member
Heres one with the flash so you can see a little better. He has his back to the glass, and is looking out the opening of his cave.


Active Member
One last pic. BTW I know the glass is a bit dirty, but I didn't want to diturb him, as I like him where he is, and everytime I clean the glass with the magnet he clicks to let me know to stay away.


Active Member
I havn't gotten a goby for him yet. I've ordered a goby, but the goby hasn't some in yet. Supposed to be in later this week. I have another shrimp, and goby, in another tank, and they are cool to watch.


Active Member
I picked him up from the LFS. Currently he's about an 1" long. I've had him for about a month now. My other pistol shrimp that I got from the LFS has grown about 1.5" in less than a year.

melissa v.

I think that, that pic is funny as he##, he thinks he is hiding and he is in plain view for all to see, that is so cool, dumb but cool.:D
Melissa V.


Shrimp cam is right! We get to see AND hear him nightly..he can get pretty loud when he's warning that darned yellow damsel we can't catch, the six-line wrasse, and the twinspot hogfish away from his "secret" den -'s cool to watch him make the noise too. We've spent many a night just watching that little guy. I can't wait till my new goby comes in. I'm getting one of the orange spotted ones. I had one in there before but that stupid yellow damsel killed him..he's going back to the lfs as soon as we can catch his speedy butt! Stacy's gotten pretty good at catching fish though.. :D
Mrs. Stacy - a.k.a. Gemini