from bad to worst....


Now the mandarin as died from the same mystery ilness!!
salt 0.25
trite-trate;between 0-0.1
please help fast


Staff member
You must be referring to another topic that you have had, but with what you have here, we have nothing to go on.
Any nitrite can be lethal to marine animals. Salt reading hopefully is not really 0.25?


Sorry salt is 1.025 , i'm talking about the post from yesterday about the valentini puffer that died and now the mandarin al that as apen in 36 hour.It start by a discoloration spot and the skin seem to flake .Any help would be appreciated!!Today i called my store here in montreal and they told me to make 10 % change of water!!!


every test of nitrite and nitrate are nearly perfect,almost undetectable ,in the past month i bought some coral but nothing as change!!My tank is 50 g and yesterday i change 8 g of water,should i change more tonight ?? Could this be velvet? Please forgive me for the way i write:i'm french Canadien ....


Active Member
Do you have any pics? Can you detail the discoloration at all, such as the actual color? Where is it located? Is there any info that you gave the fish store that you haven't posted here (this is important so we know why they suggested the water change)?


Active Member
How big is the tank and how big was the puffer... just a guess but if there was a significant amonia spike after the puffer died it could of already caused irreversable damage to your mandarin.


I remove the puffer(valentini) before he died,it start by a spot maybe half inch whitish color and 10 houre later it was bigger and it was like you peel after a sunburn ,and then yesterday i woke up and the mandarin was lethargic in the bottom of the tank he had that same spot and when i try to net him he moved and the skin fel off!!I took him out before he died!!