From CC to Aragonite no more UGF-Wow


New setup is complete
Well.....Saturday took 6 hours straight but tore down old 75g setup rebuilt tank support header so I could add sump and ref tanks later below my main tank. Went very well like I planed. I wrote down every step in advance. I wanted very much to reuse the same water I drained out of the tank which I kept over the LR and corals and in the 10 gal tanks. I had kept the fish and Inv. in 2 - 10 gal tanks with heaters and filters. I lost about 4 deg over that period of time for main tank refilling where water sat in buckets over the lr. Even though I had washed the DBS two weeks ago. My water still got a little hazzy. By next morn. crystal clear. Wow much nicer to look at than the cc. The fish seem to be really enjoying the new repositioning of lr and sand as well. Cought my clown peeling out and playing in the sand stirring it up in a cloud. He just loves to remodel
PH=8.2 Ammonia=0 Nitrite=0 I gotta go out today and pick up some other test kits. I don't want the brown algae to mess up white sand hoping to keep the phosp. down for control. Suggestions?? I'll keep checking daily for Nitrite just incase of a spike. I did the velcro sticky tabs on the tank with $1.00/yard dark blue material for background. Works great no more tapping. I can also change out to other colors or the plastic backgrounds as well for cleaning or change of pace. I ABSOLUTELY APPRECIATE all the help on how to cure the sand prior, tank background ideas - ETC. Dying to add more soft corals- I have John Tullocks book on Natural Corals - Great book by the way! Yes Bob I will be thinking of plants toooooo.


Woohoo, Sounds great. Don't you just love that new look!
Post pics if you can.
Thomas :jumping: