From dusty corners


Active Member
Just put the 30 gallon in my room ( COMPLETE TRANSFER from downstairs to upstairs in my room in 1hr 15min-not bad)-and here is a pic of the lion i have had for about a year now- this 30 gallon- i think will be reef- i am also going to put in a wartskin frogfish- but anyway- you like him?


Active Member
make sure it is eating well- i have seen many of these die in the shop but once they start eating- they are a cinch- i feed mine about 4 ghost shrimp 3 times a week- he hangs out and just slowly patrols the tank an is the most active in the early morning and evening- good size and great coloration- i think they have been bread in captivity before. mine wont accept frozen foods but i know several that do- you can keep them with some other fish as long as they are about the same size and the others wont pic on the lion- i had mine with a dwarf angel for about 6 months and everything was cool- can be kept w/ snails and hermits but not small shrimp or small (most crabs):D


Active Member
jon he is on the hunt for ghost shrimp- only it isnt a fuzzy dwarf- just a regular dwarf -Dendrochirus zebra- Fuzzies are Dendrochirus brachypterus- thanks fot the comments:)


Do you feed him the FW ghost shrimp? I haven't heard of any SW ghost shrimp. I was wondering because I want to get one for my 55 and I was thinking about keeping a second tank for just the shrimp. (I can get a good deal on them at work.) Can they be acclimated to SW?


Active Member
they can live in brackish but not SW- they are freshwater- but live in the SW tank for about 20 minutes before they die