From Partying Like Its 1999 to the end in 2012...


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Originally Posted by ruaround
who buys into this???
i would like to say that humans LOVE to scare themselves and will do what ever it takes to stir a controversy...
Who remembers Y2K? Man the crap we wnet through for that. We had to verify our computers at work were compliant, our vendors computers were compliant, there were no planes flying that day because all the systems were going to crash, What are you going to do when the bank computers crash and all your accounts are wiped out............
Then it finally got here and all we got was a whole lot of nothin'


Active Member
scotts--why do you think there was a whole lot of nothing? because everything was updated in time to have nothing happen. at the time, if nothing had been done, a lot of nastiness probably would have.


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i'm wondering how many people are going to go out buying expensive cars and houses that year...


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Originally Posted by renogaw
scotts--why do you think there was a whole lot of nothing? because everything was updated in time to have nothing happen. at the time, if nothing had been done, a lot of nastiness probably would have.
Don't get me wrong, there was work that needed to be done. But we were being told to make sure to have cash on hand because the banks would not be working, there were no flights that day because the air control system would not be wokring, people were stocking up on ammunition. Hell you would have thought they were preparing to elect a black guy as president or something.


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Originally Posted by Scotts
Don't get me wrong, there was work that needed to be done. But we were being told to make sure to have cash on hand because the banks would not be working, there were no flights that day because the air control system would not be wokring, people were stocking up on ammunition. Hell you would have thought they were preparing to elect a black guy as president or something.



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My brother believes in that bs.Supposedly the world is going to end on December 12, 2012 - 12/12/12oddly, that's double 6/6/6

I don't believe in it.. it's a bunch of blown out of the water crap.
In the bible, it states that NO ONE knows when the world will end.
I think it's funny that people are so paranoid about it.
The world is going to end in 2000!'
- oh, we were wrong, guess again. (party like it's 1999)
The world WILL end on June 6, 2006!'
-6/6/6 - hm.. guess again
Oooh an old tribe said that the calender will run out in 2012, Let's go with that one!! 2012 It is!'
- I bet they're wroooong...


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Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Really? Neither of you two have seen that one before? Numa Numa kid and these one, Star Wars Kid, are ranked #1 and #2 top viral videos of all time.
Don't forget I am old enough to be......... well your really cool uncle.


Active Member
oooh my Mom LOVES this stuff. some people are just plain BORED when they're not running around frightened and preparing for the end days. irritating. oh well. Headless chickens - have at it. 2012 will be just like every other New Years. Boring, or sloshed

y'all know where you can head when there's a zombie invasion though