Fromia milleporella (Red Starfish)


Active Member
Does anyone know anything about this starfish? We just bought one based off of the LFS's recommendations. This guy is usually pretty good about steering us in the right direction. I'll try to post pictures of him tomorrow.
They said he will stay very small and feeds on algae, detrius, and meaty foods. Thats about all I got other than the fact that he is reef safe and stays about palm sized.


I have one in our nano tank and he's rather small still. BEen in there awhile and he goes pretty much all over but never seen him actually 'eat' anything the way I've seen the bigger sea stars in our 55g eat... But I'm sure he has eaten as he's doing good and been in there a couple of months or more now. Very pretty red color, but beyond that I don't have much more info other than to perhaps corroborate the fact that they don't seem to grow very quickly.. Ours is only an inch from point to point at most I'd say and has been about that size since we got him... maybe a little smaller originally... Sorry for the lack of good intel, but good to see another one out there..


Active Member
It requires a mature tank with algae and is generally fairly self-sufficient in the aquarium, finding enough micro-organisms and detritus to scavenge if live rock is present. It is diurnal. It is intolerant of copper-based medications and high levels of nitrate, and is very sensitive to changes in specific gravity, temperature, salinity and pH of the water, and oxygen levels. Avoid exposing a Red Starfish to air or sudden salinity changes, as this is detrimental to its health, often resulting in bacterial infections and necrosis of an arm, or possible death.


reefkprz you da man, you never fail to give through and sound advice. I've been reading your posts everywhere and I must say that you have a serious addiction to saltwater and it's information. kudos on sharing your knoledge most people would not take the time to be as through as you. I'm sure I speak for the vast majority of us when I say thank you for your time and effort.


Active Member
Originally Posted by donald
reefkprz you da man, you never fail to give through and sound advice. I've been reading your posts everywhere and I must say that you have a serious addiction to saltwater and it's information. kudos on sharing your knoledge most people would not take the time to be as through as you. I'm sure I speak for the vast majority of us when I say thank you for your time and effort.

What can I say, I live for this.
and thank you.