Frozen Cyclopeeze


Active Member
I just want to say that for many months I have had a container of dried cyclopeeze, I have crushed it, soaked it, put it in whole dry and never have I seen the kind of craziness feeding frenzy that others have talked about. The past weekend I bought a frozen bar. This evening I shaved off a little and put it in my tank with the korallias still running. It broke apart like millions of little read particles and you would think the fish had never eaten before. They went absolutely nuts. It is fish crack for those of you that have not tried. Amazing stuff.
Just sayin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Active Member
You ain't kiddin. I don't know what's in that stuff, but everything in the tank goes nuts.


Keep it frozen until ready to use. Then swirl the bar around at top of water. Water will dissolve the particles evenly making everyone happy in tank....


It's zooplankton.
Corals love it too. But ya'll prolly already know that.


Active Member
Ahhh so the frozen is good, eh? I've been using the dried flake kind. I better order some frozen. Thanks for the heads up!


HAHA, i was feeding my coral last night, and it drove my eel so nuts he latched onto my pinky finger with about 1/2 an inch up it in his mouth. it scared me so bad that i felt him bite it, and immediately knew what happened so i started shaking my hand REALLY hard and he held on for about 3 seconds!!!! haha, fish crack.......I'd believe it!


Not everyone can say they've been attacked by a eel. Sounds like a great fish story.... Build it up...


Not everyone can say they've been attacked by a eel! Sounds like a great fish story.... Build it up...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tarball
Not everyone can say they've been attacked by a eel. Sounds like a great fish story.... Build it up...

That's what I was thinking
But I thought they were poisonous
Is is just certain ones, like snakes?


Active Member
Yeah, the freeze dried is easier when you need to feed something quick, but I definitely like using the frozen stuff.... it stays fresher I think. I even throw some in the homemade food I make.